Thursday, December 4, 2008

Same-sex marriage doesn't hurt marriage, but... how about divorce?

I say this 'tongue-in-cheek' but I have to admit there are serious and profound questions, if Prop H8 was intended to protect / save 'marriage', wouldn't the logical next step would be to ban divorce? After all, divorce 'destroys' 50% of marriages...
If the Prop 8 supporters believe what they say that 'marriage is a mandate from God to procreate', doesn't stand to reason to ask if marriages who do not procreate are invalid before God and the Law?
I just can't believe that people that, until now, I considered my friends and admired, voted for Prop H8 (Pronounced 'Hate')
Anyway, I wanted to share this exchange with a dear friend of mine and also comments from the Protect Marriage, Protect Children, Prohibit Divorce petition site, here is mine:
# 4886:
Dec 3, 2008, Aurora Grajeda, California
I can't argue with the logic, divorce destroys 50% of Marriages and I have to hear concrete cases about where or how same-sex marriage harms opposite sex marriages. On a side note, is there a Heavenly Court on this Earth to hear how in religious marriage, in front of God, there are vows to stay together until death, as far as I know, divorce is granted on civil courts; shouldn't divorce be granted on a religious court? Then the formerly married, but now 'single' individuals, marry again in a religious ceremony, sometimes in the same church. Therefore, the question to ask is, for all of the above, are divorces Godly legal? Ooooh, the hypocritical ironies, if they weren't so harmful, they would be delectable.
The goal is to get 10,000 signatures.

I did get some big laughs out of those "ban divorce" comments. Still, the issue is the definition of marraige. Ignoramuses want it to be legally defined as "between a man and a woman" - sane people might be missjudging their opponents depth of hatred and tenacity. Check out this article - the stats reinforce my caution in wanting to laugh the thing off. I won't be crying either. I'll be articulating - seriously. No, seriously - hey, oh - thanks for the laughs. Lisa

Poll: Socio-econ status played big role in Prop 8 - By LISA LEFF Associated Press Writer

Hi Aurora,
Anything can be turned into comedy.
But when I read the comments of people who viewed Prop 8 the musical I can't laugh. There exists many people who believe that homosexuals do not deserve equal rights. I would easily make the leap that those same people would not be alarmed when gays are physically ridiculed, attacked, or murdered. Therefore I wonder if the slim victory in favor of Prop 8 was due to bias and not confusion.
The prop 8 musical certainly feeds the gay stereotype that many ignorant people use to cultivate their hatred.
I love a campy musical, but the Prop 8 phenomena has got me wondering if we are devolving - and should we take this issue more seriously?

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die
-- "Prop 8 - The Musical" starring Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and many more... A star-studded cast turns out for Marc Shaiman's "Prop 8 - The Musical."
-- Protect Marriage, Protect Children, Prohibit Divorce Sign the petition at
-- Vote No on Prop 8: Margaret Cho Can you still not figure out what California's Prop 8 actually means? That a "no" actually means you're for gay marriage? Let Ma... more >
Hi sister,
I agree with you that there is a serious issue with Prop H8 proponents, but these people are actually comical in their intellectual contortions and the spiritual masturbation they engage in order to have reality fit their religious or bigoted beliefs, not to do so would further turn their screwed up view of the world into cognitive dissonance mayhem.
Yes, it is a serious issue, and the people supporting Prop 8 are dangerous.
But I can't help myself from laughing at their pitifulness, maybe is as Marcos Gutierrez loves to say, 'rio para no llorar', (I laugh so I don't cry)
I'm sending comments from some of the people who signed the petition to ban divorce, I'm laughing at this also because I really don't believe that divorce should be outlawed, can you imagine children living in the hell that some marriages turn into?
I signed the petition hoping that many more people sign it in order to have more pro-Prop h8 people see their folly / hypocrisy.
Lots of hugs,.
We signed the "Protect Marriage, Protect Children, Prohibit Divorce" petition!
# 4,973:
10:49 pm PST, Dec 3, Name not displayed, Illinois
Really, it's absurd to stop at divorce. I think we should amend the constitution of the entire country to say that all marriage ceremonies should exclude the words, "till death do us part," and that people should be forced to live with the rotting remains of their loved ones until they themselves die, and then the two can be sealed in lucite and sent into space to be beacons of what it means to be a truly civilized planet. It'll be a sign that says to anyone who passes by, "These people are serious about commitment, and serious about children."
# 4,971:
10:43 pm PST, Dec 3, Name not displayed, California
After all, if we're going to return society to the rules of the Bible, this is only the start. Petitions against the consumption of shellfish and the blasphemous wearing of mixed fiber clothing next!
# 4,970:
10:41 pm PST, Dec 3, Monique Savala, California
this sounds reasonable to me
# 4,970:
10:41 pm PST, Dec 3, Monique Savala, California
this sounds reasonable to me
# 4,969:
10:41 pm PST, Dec 3, Matthew Gates, California
If we are really going to protect marriage and children from the threat of the decay of traditional families, then we also need to prohibit divorce.
# 4,968:
10:34 pm PST, Dec 3, Anthony Mack, Alabama
After we protect marriage and children through nullifying divorce, we should continue this righteous and God-ordained crusade through further mandates. Perhaps we should work toward a mandatory marriage age for couples? Perhaps mandatory pregnancies? If, through some poor slight (or, more likely, a curse from God), the couple is unable to conceive, mandatory adoption could be implemented. These and many more spiritually-sound tactics are what's needed to truly ensure that our children and the sanctity of marriage are secured and blessed! * * * * * * Truly, the outcome of Prop 8 is a travesty. I had hoped that we were living in an age enlightened to the point where people of all persuasions would be allowed basic human rights. Obviously, I was mistaken.
# 4,962:
10:26 pm PST, Dec 3, Jae Manion, Texas
Hey! If we are going to take away rights, let's be fair about it. Let's take away everyone's rights equally. Protect children by forcing people to stay in loveless marriages.
# 4,961:
10:25 pm PST, Dec 3, Peter Gratiot, Arizona
I thought marriage lasts until you or your spouse departs from this plane of existent. The mormon church teaches its members that divorce is an evil sin that shouldn't be acted upon. I was born and raised in a mormon household. I am not mormon anymore because of the fact that I am gay. I have been out to my parents and family since 1997. Of course, they think homosexuality is very wrong. They don't approve of me being myself. My mom at the very beginning told me to never send her any positive materials on the GLBT community. Today, she hasn't budged a single inch on her position with me. She also voted for Prop 102 in Arizona. My mom decided to divorce my dad when she wasn't happy with their marriage. She did divorce him and then married another man. She was willing to go against her own religion and commit an evil sin by divorcing my dad, BUT, she wasn't willing to go against THAT same religion and accept/support her own son who happened to be gay? That is not right!!! To me, she put her own selfish need to be happy above her own son's happiness. It is like she isn't willing to risk losing her religion but she is very much willing to risk losing her son. This has shown me how hypocritical the mormon church and its members are.
# 4,951:
10:07 pm PST, Dec 3, Ben Kullerd, Texas
Let's get rid of marriage, so gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans Americans who cannot marry will be equally unhappy as those heterosexual couples who remain in married relationships, no matter how strong their relationship.
# 4,950:
10:06 pm PST, Dec 3, Name not displayed, California
If marriage is to be sacred, divorce should be banned. Let all us hetero couples choose a "legal union" if we're too scared to pledge a vow for life.
# 4,948:
10:05 pm PST, Dec 3, Name not displayed, Ohio
I think we should add that all marriages must be sanctified by a certified priest or pastor who has gone to seminary and believes in the Christian faith. All those false doctrine marriages should be remade with Christian ceremonies. After we protect marriage by eliminating divorce, the next step must be to make sure only Christian marriages are recognized. No one is forcing you to be Christian (or straight), we are just recognizing what has always been (we only have a working history of 6,000 years, so give us a break!). If god sanctifies the union, and god is Christian (and Republican), then I don't think Jewish, Muslim, Unitarian. Mormon (come on, really?), or any other marriage meets that standard.
# 4,947:
10:05 pm PST, Dec 3, Jomeka Betty, Tennessee
put that in your pipe and smoke it! reverse prop 8!!
# 4,946:
10:03 pm PST, Dec 3, Ashley Sloane, Oklahoma
As a God-fearing southern woman, I am signing this petition to stand against Proposition 8. The God I know loves all His children unconditonaly. How do we as a nation have the right to deny anyone the most basic right of choosing their own partner?
# 4,941:
9:55 pm PST, Dec 3, Scott McPhail, California
So simple, yet so profound. Thank you to the architects of "Yes on 8". The ideas and words about protecting marriage have become a beacon of light to guide us all through the darkness of spiteful and divisive marketing campaigns whose sole focus was to create fear and uncertainty among cities and communities. Humanity will prevail.
# 4,940:
9:52 pm PST, Dec 3, Jessie M Potter, Washington
Let's make this country right once and for all!
# 4,939:
9:52 pm PST, Dec 3, Tim Sullivan, California
I am all for the sanctity of marriage and believe that divorce is against my religion and therefore should be amended to the Consitution of the State of California
# 4,938:
9:51 pm PST, Dec 3, Ben Henschel, Pennsylvania
With all of the violence in the world to be fighting against love is just wrong. Your bible is not my bible, your idea of traditional marriage is not my idea, so people need to stop thinking they have all this authority because they read a book. Everyone deserves the benefits of marriage...period.
# 4,935:
9:49 pm PST, Dec 3, Richard Caton, California
Preventing divorce is a great first step; however, it needs to also be stipulated that those who have already been divorced must be reunited with their previous spouse, and they must live together. How can we allow those who have already violated the "sanctity of marriage" to continue doing so? What to do about the ones who have had 4 or 5 spouses could become a little complicated since the churches are so concerned about polygamy though - but hey, I'm sure those who supported Prop 8 can resolve it since they have all of the answers on how to protect marriage.
# 4,934:
9:46 pm PST, Dec 3, Matthew Baxter, California
Be careful what you wish for...
# 4,933:
9:43 pm PST, Dec 3, Simon Wickstrom, California
Divorce is the biggest threat to marriage that exists in our society. It is time we stamped it out. Ban divorce.
# 4,932:
9:42 pm PST, Dec 3, Heidi Neilson, California
This is the only true way to protect marriage.
# 4,931:
9:41 pm PST, Dec 3, Name not displayed, California
Wow...I would love to vote on someone else's rights for a change!
# 4,930:
9:39 pm PST, Dec 3, Shawn Wagner, California
# 4,929:
9:37 pm PST, Dec 3, Trey Richards, Texas
# 4,928:
9:36 pm PST, Dec 3, Name withheld, Illinois
If, by Constitutional law, I am entitled to partial rights; then, I will pay partial taxes. Oh and, should I ever be called for duty to protect "my" country, sorry but I have rights to fight for instead.

# 4,921:
9:22 pm PST, Dec 3, Robert Buechler, California
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I LOVE IT!! Sanctity of marriage?! Are you f'in kidding me? The divorce rate is now OVER 50 percent...there is nothing harmonious about that! This fight isn't over!
# 4,919:
9:21 pm PST, Dec 3, Lisette Garcia, California
my husband and I believe that we are all equal. I'm tired of hearing the ignorant people fighting for this prop 8 . people come on It doesnt matter if gays get married I think that we all should have the same right. I know that this is one thing I shall fight for. Fight for the equal rights that gays and lesbians deserve.
# 4,916:
9:20 pm PST, Dec 3, Name not displayed, California
Keith Olbermann said it best. "Sanctity of many marriages like that have their bit?"
# 4,915:
9:20 pm PST, Dec 3, Gary Ducharme, California
Prop 8 had nothing to do with protecting marriage, and everything to do with homophobic discrimination. I am heterosexual and I don't believe in the bible, I do not believe that someone else's religious views should dictate what other people can do peacfully with one-another. Hate is hate is hate. Keep hate out of our constitution.
# 4,914:
9:18 pm PST, Dec 3, Gary Llero, California
Signature number 4,902: "Let's not stop there. Let's protect marriage even further. Children are the primary interest of marriage. It's about procreation. So, after we get rid of divorce, we should penalize those who enter marriage and do not have children. 9 months is all it takes (we'll even throw in a few months for good measure). If a married couple does not have at least one child by 1 year after marriage, their marriage is immediately annulled and they will be fined the equivalent of child support for the next 18 years. Those proceeds will go to support the age-old institution of marriage. Oh, and if it is discovered that you entered marriage knowing you couldn't have or didn't want children, you will be subject to jail time and a fine for fraud." This man is on crack. Sounds like something out of the novel "1984". Sir, please put down your pipe. You're from Florida, this doesn't affect you. FU*K Prop Hate!
# 4,911:
9:13 pm PST, Dec 3, Marshall Gurley, California
In order truly to protect marriage and family rights, not only should divorce be outlawed, but if a woman becomes pregnant, she and the father should, by law, become married. Also, single women should not be able to become pregnant by artificial insemination. Children should have both a father and a mother.
# 4,903:
8:59 pm PST, Dec 3, Aisia Davenport, California
I don't want my children taught that coming from a divorced home is ok. I don't want them to learn that there may be (too digusted to say but SINGLE Parents) raising children because "something didn't work out" Please California protect our children from the Divorce word. Keep protecting Marriage.
# 4,902:
8:59 pm PST, Dec 3, Name not displayed, Florida
Let's not stop there. Let's protect marriage even further. Children are the primary interest of marriage. It's about procreation. So, after we get rid of divorce, we should penalize those who enter marriage and do not have children. 9 months is all it takes (we'll even throw in a few months for good measure). If a married couple does not have at least one child by 1 year after marriage, their marriage is immediately annulled and they will be fined the equivalent of child support for the next 18 years. Those proceeds will go to support the age-old institution of marriage. Oh, and if it is discovered that you entered marriage knowing you couldn't have or didn't want children, you will be subject to jail time and a fine for fraud.
# 4,901:
8:59 pm PST, Dec 3, Noah Levin, New York
From the state that has some of the most divorces, adultery, and the biggest mockery of marriage - celebrity marriages, protecting marriage from loving gays is the most backwards thing this progressive state has done in a while.

Dec 3, 2008, Anonymous, Florida
It's about love and dignity, understanding human relationships, and stamping out discrimination. Get to know a gay person -- it can change your mind.
# 4899:
Dec 3, 2008, Albert Clay, Washington
Marriage is truly threatened by the 40+% of heterosexual marriages that dissolve in divorce. This must stop.
# 4897:
Dec 3, 2008, Katie Ashdown, Tennessee
Change we can belive in... huh? Way to go CA.
# 4896:
Dec 3, 2008, Kial Sankaran, Washington
I just simply hate hypocrisy, and that is why I am signing.
# 4889:
Dec 3, 2008, Anonymous, California
I thought this from the beginning... If the sanctity of marriage is the goal, divorce should be illegal. Time to vote again.

# 4886:
Dec 3, 2008, Aurora Grajeda, California
I can't argue with the logic, divorce destroys 50% of Marriages and I have to hear concrete cases about where or how same-sex marriage harms opposite sex marriages. On a side note, is there a Heavenly Court on this Earth to hear how in religious marriage, in front of God, there are vows to stay together until death, as far as I know, divorce is granted on civil courts; shouldn't divorce be granted on a religious court? Then the formerly married, but now 'single' individuals, marry again in a religious ceremony, sometimes in the same church. Therefore, the question to ask is, for all of the above, are divorces Godly legal? Ooooh, the hypocritical ironies, if they weren't so harmful, they would be delectable.

# 4884:
Dec 3, 2008, Kristopher Arcand, Massachusetts
After all, this is what they're asking for. You can't have one and not the other. Equal. Rights.
# 4883:
Dec 3, 2008, Mark Ruhl, Arizona
If the argument for Prop 8 is to protect marriage and childern, then this proposed proposition is essential to provide the same protection
# 4882:
Dec 3, 2008, Ryan Finn, California
I'm signing not just because I'm disappointed in my home state, but because of the discrimination I've experienced while attending med school in Pennsylvania.
# 4881:
Dec 3, 2008, Michael Halloran, Vermont
Wake up, people who voted for Prop 8. In the years to come, you are going to be viewed alongside those who opposed racially mixed marriages, school integration, and voting rights for women and blacks. None of you is worried about the "sanctity of marriage," you just hate gay people. But you will ultimately lose this battle. Our love is stronger than your hate.
# 4880:
Dec 3, 2008, Monica John, Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of
Marriage is not a joke. This is true that everyone should have a right to choose their own way but when it comes to making laws, state has to worker for the greater good. Same sex marrige has no reality and in the same way divorce distroys families and children. how can parents do this to their own children. Only selfish people can do this. State has to make laws for everyone not just one group. Moreover, only children coming from an emotionally healthy family can build a healthy society. THIS ALSO MEANS KIDS RAISED BY MOTHER AND FATHER NOT TWO MOTHERS AR TWO FATHERS............... SO YOUR SOCIETY FROM MENTALLY SICK CRIMINALS.............

# 4875:
Dec 3, 2008, Javier Galito-Cava, California
Isn't sanctity of marriage what people are so concerned about? Or was it just another hypocritical act of bigotry?

# 4866:
Dec 3, 2008, Paul Jenson, California
Make divorce illegal. I find it horrendous that people would treat others as second class citizens in this day and age.
# 4865:
Dec 3, 2008, Sheena Ramirez, Louisiana
Even as a heterosexual woman, this is the one political agenda that I full heartedly support. No one should ever be denied rights because of something out of their control...
# 4864:
Dec 3, 2008, Donald Gray, Florida
Really protect marriage...ban divorce!
# 4863:
Dec 3, 2008, Ann Heitland, Arizona
Married: 8/9/2008 after a 24 year engagement. We'll never divorce.
# 4860:
Dec 3, 2008, Samantha Beck, Illinois
Hahaha this is amazing.
# 4859:
Dec 3, 2008, Oscar Salgado, Illinois
Protect marriage and ban divorce for couples married in any church and at a city hall.
# 4858:
Dec 3, 2008, Mike Lauro, Arkansas
Keep up the fight. Join your local grassroots organizing groups and work for change. My husband and I married in California on 08/08/08. We always introduce ourselves as each others husband to everyone we meet. Educate people by telling your story.
# 4857:
Dec 3, 2008, Gary Willis, Kentucky
I refuse to be treated as a second-class citizen!

# 4856:
Dec 3, 2008, Rachel Williams, Oklahoma
Divorce killed the dinosaurs.

# 4854:
Dec 3, 2008, Gina Piazza, California
I want to protect the the very meaning of "sanctity" and "marriage" and "protect children" from the evils of divorce and protect heteros from themselves! Save the meaning!!!
# 4853:
Dec 3, 2008, TRACEY THOMAS, Texas
i'm signing to ensure that those who passed prop. 8 are serious about protecting marriage and will therefore outlaw divorce. otherwise they'll simply prove that the only real motivation behind prop. 8 was the discrimination of homosexuals, lesbians, and bisexual citizens from their legal right to enter into marriage with the legal/consenting adult of their choosing...

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