Above: GLAAD Media-Trained Couple Ángeles Domínguez & Yamileth Escobar See their story from People en Español (PDF) | Dear Friends,

Today’s decision by the California Supreme Court is a painful but temporary setback. We know in time we will achieve full marriage equality in California and across the country, but that doesn’t make today’s news hurt any less.
GLAAD knows that strong and effective media advocacy – elevating our voices and stories and those of our allies, friends and families -- is what will continue to change the hearts and minds of the Americans we must reach.
Today’s setback provides us with the need and the opportunity – as an organization, as a movement, and as a community – to renew our dedication to this important work and to our pursuit of full equality.
In the past several months, Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, and Vermont have shown that our culture and our nation are moving toward equality. At the same time, anti-gay activists are trying harder than ever to deny our families the security and legal protections they need. If we do not amplify our voices, we will not achieve the real and lasting change we seek.
The visibility our movement has achieved has changed hearts and minds, but today’s decision shows we need to work even harder to raise our voices and our visibility in the media. As our community continues to pursue fair and equal treatment under the law, GLAAD needs your support to ensure that media share even more stories of loving, committed same-sex couples in California and across the country.
We are sharing the stories of couples like Ángeles Domínguez & Yamileth Escobar, who received media training from GLAAD after marrying in June. GLAAD worked with People en Español to place the story of how Ángeles’ family embraced and accepted her marriage, ensuring that the magazine’s coverage was fair and accurate for its millions of readers. Through our media trainings and advocacy, millions nationwide are experiencing the stories of same-sex couples and the common ground we share.
Because when people get to know loving, committed couples like Ángeles & Yamileth, understanding and support can lead to real and lasting change.
It is worth noting that the California Supreme Court has ruled that the marriages of same-sex couples who married before Nov. 5, 2008 “remain valid in all respects.” Media now have a unique opportunity to turn a spotlight on these more than 18,000 couples, and GLAAD needs your support to help elevate and share their stories – as well as the stories of the countless same-sex couples who are unfairly denied that same most basic right.
Please consider a gift of $20, $40, or as much as you can give to help GLAAD’s media advocacy and anti-defamation work, to raise our visibility and continue these vital conversations that change hearts and minds.
Only with your support, visibility and involvement, will we achieve the cultural change that leads to full equality. In Service,
 Neil Giuliano |
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