From the Front Lines San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera, NARAL Pro-Choice California’s 2004 Champion of Choice, intends to sue the state if legislation allowing gender rating is not repealed. Herrera has sponsored two bills in Sacramento with Senator Mark Leno (SB 54) and Assembly member Curren Price (AB119) to remedy the situation as well. Choice in the Headlines Still More Bush-Borne Obstacles to Overcome in New Administration President Obama Reverses Bush-Backed Attack on Family Planning For Privacy’s Sake, Taking Risks to End Pregnancy
Hero: The San Francisco Superior Court which ruled that low-income women, regardless of how long they resided in California, would have access to prenatal care and other medical care. Zero: Anti-choice groups in Fremont, CA who tried to stop comprehensive sex education for middle schools. They would prefer to end sex ed altogether rather than provide students with medically accurate information! Too bad for them, the Fremont Unified School District approved (5-0) the new curriculum.
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