This might seem unimaginable in the 21st-century United States, but the Arizona State Legislature is on the verge of passing a law that would authorize officers to pull over, question, and detain anyone they have a "reasonable suspicion" doesn't have proper documentation. The legislation would essentially legalize racial profiling, creating a police state for immigrants.
The bill will be on the Governor's desk as soon as today.1 This is a moment for all of us to stand with the people of Arizona against this injustice. Please join us in telling Governor Jan Brewer to do the right thing and veto this bill, and ask your friends and family to do the same:
According to the LA Times, "The bill, known as SB 1070, makes it a misdemeanor to lack proper immigration paperwork in Arizona. It also requires police officers, if they form a 'reasonable suspicion' that someone is an illegal immigrant, to determine the person's immigration status... Immigrant rights groups say it amounts to a police state." 2
If this bill passes, Arizona is declaring itself an apartheid state, where people who "look" undocumented are treated differently than the rest of the population. Leading police chiefs and sheriffs have even come out against the bill, saying that it will cause immigrants to avoid reporting crimes, and divert officers' attention from going after violent offenders.3
The future of Arizona is now in the Governor's hands. Please join us in telling Governor Jan Brewer to veto this bill.
Thank you and ¡Adelante!
1. "Backers defend AZ crackdown on illegal immigrants," Associated Press, 4-15-10,
2. "Arizona passes strict illegal immigration act," L.A. Times, 4-13-10
3. "Racial profiling, SB 1070 will go hand in hand," Arizona Daily Star, 4-16-10
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